HoknesComics.com presents the most in depth history to USA Comic Books

Platinum Age and Golden Age 1933-1939 - 20,000 pictures and all 1930's published 1,000 comics analyzed in a 16 hour documentary series

The largest project ever assembled specifically on the 1930's comic book market.

Order your own personal copy of the complete 16 hour 100 episode Video series

Receive the entire 100 episode series all in high quality mp4 digital file format playable on any computer or device.

You will receive in the mail a USB Memory Stick containing the massive entire series (21 gb size for the 100 video files)

Only $69.99 US funds (shipping and USB memory stick included in price) - you can pay apes1968@hotmail.com through www.paypal.com

Sample video down below



Email Terry Hoknes at hoknes@hotmail.com 

Welcome to the History of Comic Books

We are going to back and learn a step by step chronology of the modern comic book format by analyzing every single comic book ever published during the 1930's in the United States USA.